How to use scoped NPM registry
How to use scoped NPM registry

Scoped registry

In most projects it is recommended to use a scoped (private) registry to share self-developed modules.

Sometimes it is not possible or makes no sense to use tools like JFrog Artifactory or Sonatype Nexus Repository.

In GitLab, such registries can now be used relatively easily.

Add the GitLab NPM Registry to your local or global NPM configuration. Replace @your-scope with your specific scope name (e.g. your organization name):

$ npm config set @your-scope:registry

Your config output look like this (on Windows):

; cli configs
metrics-registry = ""

; userconfig C:\Users\<userprofile>\.npmrc
@your-scope:registry = ""

Now you just need to authenticate with the newly created scoped registry. Replace <your_token> with your personal access token:

$ npm config set '//' "<your_token>"

The commands described above change your NPM userconfig, your user specific .npmrc file. If you want to make the change on a global level, you would have to add “–global” at the end.

$ npm config set @your-scope:registry --global
$ npm config set '//' "<your_token>" --global

The .npmrc in a global context:

; cli configs
metrics-registry = ""

; globalconfig C:\Program Files\nodejs\etc\npmrc
@your-scope:registry = ""
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